The study is aimed at ascertaining the effects of media coverage of the campaigning amide at curbing the spread of the disease called ‘‘AIDS’’ on the sexual behaviour of youths in IMT. The objective of this study is also to find out through sample survey whether youths are really getting sufficient information about AIDS so as to enable them form their opinion about the disease.
The study took into account the sex, marital status, occupational variables that were off relevance to the study. The research used survey method in the execution of the study. This no doubt helped collecting information as the way people generally perceive the AIDS since its wave get to Nigeria.
An empirical survey of the campus 3 that make up IMT was carried out. Data obtained in the process were systematically adzed in odder to desertion the effects of the media coverage of the anti- AIDS campaign on the sexual behaviour of the youth population in campus 3 using stratified simplify technique with random start.
Relation literature especially in the areas of mass communication, sociology, psychology and political sciences were extensively reviewed as a guide for the Theo retied from work of the study.
Three hypotheses were tested and audited using disquiet table and simple percentages.
The results of the study showed that the mass media coverage of anti- AIDS campaign has greatly affected the sexual behaviors of youths by making them discard their sexual valurability and promiscuity. More, the result of the study indicates that the youth’s via-a-vies marital status played on appreciable role in their exposure towards the anti- AIDS comparing as carried by the mass media.
Introduction 1
Background to the study 1
Historical background of aids 3
Scope of the disease 10
Global situation 13
Nigeria situation 15
Statement of research problem. 17
Objective of the study 20
Significance of the study 20
Research hypotheses 21
Assumptions 21
Scope/limitation of study 22
Definition of concepts 22
Operational definitions 23
Variables 24
References 25
Literature review 27
Sources of literature 27
Review of literature 27
Aids social implication of the anti
Aids campaign 28
The relevant theories 30
Media effects on audience 39
Aid: aids campaign strategies/dimensions 43
Summary of review 45
Notes and references 48
Research methodology 50
Research method 50
Sampling 50
Limitations 51
Delimitation 52
Data collection 52
Sampling techniques 53
Data and analysis 54
Expected result 54
References 58
Data analysis and result 59
Test of hypotheses and result 63
Discussion 67
Summary, conclusion and recommendations 71
Summary 71
Conclusion 73
Recommendations 76
notes 77
Bibliography 78
Appendix 1 81
Questionnaires 82
The media one established can provide for audience members a divinity of the situation on a verity of issue. By emphasizing certain topics, stressing particular interpretations and prefects specifies Thomas; the media crate some impression with their definition portraying a reflection of the real sociality. For example if sexual prodigality is regularly portrayed as widely practiced, because of this, viewer may accept such definition as normative in the society in such a situation norms internalized from media source may guide his conduct.
Simply by their presence, the media have altered the nature of societal communication nouns. Large audiences have been crated that expect the media to provide a continuous Flow of news, entertainment, political commentary and other types of messages. People depend on the media for various form of gratification based upon content if denied such communication. They feed deprived Burleson (1950:889-898). Even in relatively underdeveloped societies, populations quality develop media-related habits once mass communication become available to them in a form they understand.
The potential effect of the media in shaping attitudes and behaviour has been the subject of convictable research. It is dear, however; that the media do have at least an indirect influence on attitude if only because they made people aware of events outside their immediate experience. Through television, we witness crime, racial strife and the horrors of warn in the quiet of our own living rooms.
According to latter lip man (1922) at on the basis of the pictures in our head, rather than in accordance with reality of the world outside. That a person believes is the moral or ethical, is true moral or ethical for him. To understand him we state by digging out the roots of these pictures in our head.
We have leant through research that the images and words these media carry determine within the limitations posed by intervening factors, opinion of people and thus their actions. Woodrow Wilson (1958) saw this too. He said, unless you get the right setting to affairs, disperse the right impression, things go wrong. It is believed that in the imperfect would there is no single antidote to human ills but public is often a vital step to finding the cure of many social ills. In this line therefore, it is believed that extensive coverage will reach and perhaps touch on the sexual habits of people. When a disease is sexually transmitted, the publicity and efforts to eradicate it is fortified. In modern times when supplicated means were available and subtle means or pressure (whether engender by the said aim or net) are used by interested parties, the efforts utilized could be seen as exaggerated by simple minded people and those who have not get come across the diseases. As at now, one may say that AIDS is over publicized.
It is the worst disease to hit the human race since the black plague of the 14th century some health experts are saying this disease will cause even more death and destruction than the black plague before it runs it course. Already 20 million unsuspecting people have caught this awful disease and do out know it and might not know it for years (van image 2005).
The function of mass media in any society cannot be over stretched. It stretches beyond the ordinary form of news gathering via information dissemination to shaping opinions and attitudes of people via proper and accurate analysis and interpretation of news events. Through their information, education, entertaining and sanitizing functions. The mass media affect peoples attitude and behaviour. Graham mutton (1990).
The media set agenda for public discussion by chromatin news events within the society. An issue becomes topical based on the provenance and degree of coverage (i.e. frequency of reportage) given to such issue by the media. The mass media no doubt, has changed or altered our culture. New products, advertised to millions via television, magazines and newspapers can achieve wide spread adoption almost overnight. The rapid spread of other culture forms such as speech mannerisms; the media can trigger fads of all kinds and other innovative patterns. In a brood view of the communication field however, the effect of the media advertising séances to be limited. Different media are effective at different point in different ways. The mass media only create awareness while the face-to-face communicati0on brings about honey. Both are complementary. But Engle and others have observed that when the audience is large it is usually necessary to accept the inefficiencies of mass communication. (Engle it al 1979:29). This implies that the mass media have shortcoming, which do not persuaded there effectiveness no mater how minimal at bringing about social ohange. Lazarsfeld and Katz have noted that ideas often sew to flow from Radio, Television and print to opinion leaders and from them to less active sections of the population. It therefore means that these who cannot be reached by these media could benefit from interpersonal flow of information or the innovation hazarded and Katz (1995) Mac Guiro (2000), observed that the measured impact of the mass media as regards persuasive seems quiets slight. A tremendous amount of applied research has been carried out to test the effectiveness of the mass media messages. The outcome, which has said has been quite embarrassing for porous of mass media. However it is the knowledge acquires through frequency of coverage of campaigns behaviour instincts of sexuality. Supporting a programmer and other factors are employed in measuring persuasive campaign effectiveness. In view of this perceived short coming, it therefore become every necessary to take a hand lot at the role of the media in the anti-AIDS campaign vies-via the effect of their coverage in IMT Enugu.
The devastating disease Acquired immure Deficient syndrome (AIDS) care into word limelight in 1981 when Dr Michael clottish of the university of California noticed an unusual disease PNEMOYSTTS CARING PNEUMODIA in four patients that were homosexual and all below 40 years of ages it is not yet known when AIDS aetdly started. It was a disgrace to the scientific community that the emergence of AIDS brought with it a lot of buck passing as regards the origin of the disease. It became polities and took raids undertones scientific data that Africa was the home of AIDS studies hoe however now prove the proponents of the Africa guesses of AIDS wrong and the western exports are now eating their own words. AIDS is a truly white mauls burden.
The whorled Heath organization (WHO) explained it to be or virus of under minded geographic origin. The first case of AIDS were identified in the U.S in 1981 and the disseat was first recognized in Uganda in 1982. But cases of it had been observed in the exile go’s before it was fully identified. The virus causes it. How I was discovered in was not until mare 1986 that the second type of AIDS virus under H120 was discovered Njoku obi (2002). AIDS is a relatively new arrival in Nigeria at best cam pared to many other countries. According to world health organization (NH0) Global 1988 AIDS incidence inventers. The number of reported cassia of AIDS by the year 1988 was much less in Nigeria than in mast counties of the world. The H102 of west African was not discovered untiel 1986 three years after the discovery of H101. And it was only much latter that it was realized that a different kind of blood tested was needed to detect the H10-2 (Njoku obi 2002).
The African concord magazine of 3rd June 1991 published the who estimate of the number of people who have developed full blowu AIDS in Nigeria as approximately 8.000 men and women, merry of who would now have died. In the same issue. Late Dr olikoye Ransome kuti, the then minister of health, is queted as saying; even if we are able to prevent further transmission of the virus, we will expect about 1000.00 adults and 50,00 pedictric AIDS cases (that is people with full blown AIDS) between 1991 and 2000. The rate of spared varies from country to country and may partly depend on whether HIV or 2 predominates. For new, the dreaded disease is no geometric increase in Nigeria.
The first confirmed AIDS case in Africa was reported in 1984 in Nairobi Reyna. Apparently AIDS came from green monkeys in Africa. This is the theory and some have it jumped what is known as the species brevier from animals to humans. This has very grave implications because the virus itself or this type of virus in monkeys apparently does not herm the monkey but it has terrible effects in humans.
Medical experts believe that the green monkeys of Africa passed their lent vireos to humans through biting and bestiality. Smocking one may say. But one percent of Americans have committed such acts with animals (van impe 2005) Next infected men engaged other men in sexual dots and soon the virus spread live wildfire among homosexuals international. As a matter of fact, when the disease was first discovered, its origin label was ‘‘GRIDS’’ which stood for Gay Related immure Deficiency syndrome (AIDS 2002). Soon Gay lobbyists to avoid suspicion worked diligently to see that the 20th century plaigue was named AIDS. Next bisexual or men who enjoyed either men or women spreal the disease to the hetersexual community and scores of such men even entered the sanctity of their homes and filled their wives with the virus (AIDS 2002).
Risk: A single exposure is sufficient for a person to contact AIDS. In plainer sufficient terms, one act of sexual intercourse could lea to a person become infected. It is estimated that among couples with one partner who is HIV positive, there is one in four chances that if that partner is male he will affect the female and one in ten that the female will infect the male (THE GUARDIAN, JULY 4 2001).
Prognosis: current statistics suggest that if a person becomes HIV positive, there is a 60 percent chance of developing AIDS within 10 years.
This figure is based on studies of groups of HIV individuals who where infected 10 years ago of the remaining 40 percent, many suffer health problems such as skin and genital diseases. One a person has been diagnosed as having full blown AIDS, life expentanoy is on average 20 months (THE GUARDIAN JULY 4 2001).
Distribution: AIDS is a worldwide disease, so terrifying and devastating that the black plague of yester-years look like a child’s play. The highest incidence of the disease is in the united state of Africa where over 100,000 cases of AIDS have been reported and over eight million persons estimated as carrying the virus. It is being variously stated that by year 2005 the above figure might triple (Njoku obi 2002).
It has been deadly established that the united state of America and many European countries AIDS is common among homosexuals, intravenous drug abusers, hemophiliacs, recipients of blood transfusion and heterosexual perturb of patients of AIDS. Among the risk group’s drug abuses constitute about 17% and the remaining 10% is distributed among other groups (Njoku-obi 2002).
In contrast to the western world. No dear risk groups emerge in Africa. AIDS is seen equally in both men and women spread is mainly heterosexual. Prof Njoku-obi (2002) noted Zaire, Rwanda, Ugandan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Melanie as the ‘‘AFRICA, AIDS Belt’’ on the other hand, New York, Los Ague’s the ‘‘AIDS San Francisco have been called the AIDS centers of the blisters world’’.
Antilogy: AIDS is caused by a retrovirus. Retrovirus like other virus reproduces only on living cells of a lost species. But unlike other viruses they involve an enzyme REVERSE TRANSERIPTASE in reproduction. The enzyme according to prof. Njoku Obi allows the virus to copy its genetic information into a form that could be intergraded into the host cell’s own genetic code. In effect, each time the infected “host cell divided” viral copies were produced along with more cells each containing the viral code. In this way the infection host dryness is therefore the primary mechanism of pathogen.
The AIDS virus was isolated by Dr Robert Gallo in the USA in 1990 and was named HTLV III. A variant of this AIDS virus was later identified at the Pasteur institute in Paris by Dr Lue Montaginer from a patient with LYMPHADENOPATHY and was called the lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV). To give credit to both scientists the AIDS virus became known as HTLV/ LAV. Recently however, the international committee on the Taxonomy of virus recommended that AIDS virus be known as Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
HIV has been isolated from blood, semen, vaginal secretions and other body fluid inducing breast milk, saliva and possibly tears. However, transmission is through sexual relationship (homosexual or heterosexual / blood transfusion any blood mixing). Transfusion of blood products and meternofetal (before, during or after birth). This certain individuals are placed at a very high risk of being exposed (Njoku Obi 2002).
It takes on the average an interval of 29 months and 12 months between exposure to the virus and manifestation of AIDS in adults and children respectively. The virus can, however remain dormant in an individual for up to five years. The shorter incubation period in children partly explains the 5 times higher estimated risk of AIDS in children compared with adults although their immune system and blood volume may be relevant says prof Njoku.
Acquired immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is new deadly. Sexually transmitted disease, which is less than fifteen years, has spread throughout the world. What makes this disease awesome is the present lack of a vaccine for prophylaxis or drugs for cure. The disease is terminal and where this is net so the victim continues to shed the virus and infect others through his promiscuous behavior if not controlled, the gate of mankind questionable. It also infiltrates eyes, lungs liver, spleen, kidney and other organs (van impel 2005). One single virus entering ones system will eventually destroy a person within 10 years the length of one’s incubation. What a period of imprisonment for one foolish sexual encounter. Furthermore, the acquired immune Deficiency syndrome is only a portion of the AIDS problem. A brain destroyed by the virus, causing dementia is eagerly frightening. But there is no more. This deadly virus lives outside of ones body for ten days, even in a dried out condition. The dues or tell tale signs of AIDS may in dude an unexplained night loss, dreading night sweats, persistent diarrhea, swathing of the humph nodes, choric fatigue, persistent fly symptoms, pneumonia, tuberculosis, small purplish spots on ones body itching blisters or seas, blamed vision and ultimately satin cancer (van impel 2005). Harvard pathologist William Heseltine says all it take is the transmission of one micro bid parasite. After it enters and researches find it five to ten years later BINGO that is it? you are gone.
The AIDS virus itself infects cells in the brain and causes what is known as detention or brain suffers impaired shot-term memory mental confusion, personality change and severe depression. In its later stages, they may succumb to paranoia, sometimes psychoses mutes (they become unable to speak) and incontinence (they have loss of muscular control and Findlay coma and death (van limp 2005).
There has to be a total war against AIDS. Our enemies are sexually promiscuity, artlessness and people we may term sexual terrorists. One can no doubt, also get AIDS through the needle if you take drugs and through having blood transfusions besides through sex. also a mother could pass it on to an unborn baby.
In spite of the millions of dollars and other currencies poured into AIDS research, no solution is in sight. A recoat conference on AIDS in Amsterdam Netherlands brought together 11,000 scientist and other experts to study the problem. The mood was sober, reflecting a decade of frustration, failure and mounting tragedy. Humanity may not be any closer to conquering AIDS than when the quest began. There is no vaccine, no cure and not even an indisputable effective treatment (Time magazine 1994). For those presently HIV positive already likely to fall sick with AIDS, the prospect are bleak.
The world Health Organization (WHO) has however, taken the ball by the horn. It is a vanguard of world wide attempts to control of the disease. From its considered opinion the most sensible way of stopping the spread of AIDS is through dissemination of information and deliberate education. There is so because medical research experts have proved that the Human immune Deficiency virus (HIV). The causative agent of AIDS strikes mankind at its most intimate, most private part of their lives and only informed and sensible behavior can alter the death math. AIDS which first appeared to be a discus affecting mainly the homosexual population has become a scourge effecting people of every race and life-style. It no longer has any favorites. In some countries of Africa, it is decimating the heterosexual population.
International news releases from 100 Nations in duding Australia, brazil, England, Germany, Kenya, the twelve European common market Nations and Russia have reported that, AIDS is spreading live wildfire (van impe 2005). The situations severe. Presently five million already carry the virus in Australia, eight million in America and Switzerland has broken all records for European. The 12 nation common market alliance sees the doubling for the disease within 12 months. Because of the severity of the situation u.s news and would report predicts that millions will die if a cure is not found in the next 13 years (van impe 2005.
There have been other payees throughout history. Millions did because of Spanish influenza, bubonic plague, yellow fever, small pox, polio, multiple scleroses and cancer. However, there is nothing in the ands of history that may equal the devastating death told the AIDS virus will soon create.
David Block (2001) in a Rolling stone article said if AIDS continues increasing at its present rate, all Americans will be killed in 12 years.
Nanny standouts believe that 25years from now, in 20025 that lost human could be expiring on this earth from AIDS. With the AIDS virus being exuded practically from every bodily orifice pore and secretion intimate constable of any kind makes such deadly statement a possibilility
The world health organization estimates carries of the disease at 6 million world wide both children and adult. Late professor olikoye Ram some – kuti (1990) said that two million women world wide have been infected by AIDS virus, responding a third of the six million people that have been confirmed as having contracted the dreaded disease. He states that out of the two million figures, a staggering 1.5 million is in sub Saharan Africa. The male to female ratio in the region is 1:1 compared to 9:1 in America and Europe. Gene Antonio, author of the book. The AIDS cover up, says public Health Authorities have to be pressured to report people who are infected with the virus not merely the minute number who are at the end state of the disease. They have to be reported and their contacts, the people they have had sexual relation with, have to be followed and told that they are at risk of the disease. 80 combined with personal changes in lifestyle, there has to be public health measures taken (AIDS 2002).
On the 24th of June 1986, then the Hon. Minister for health inaugurated the National Expect Advisory committee on AIDS in the country and possible measures to control its spread up to the end of 1988, NEACA has screened over 24,000 persons 25 of which proved zero-positive for AIDS. Eleven of the developed frank disease and ten died (Njoku obi 2002).
What the above result shows is that we have the rate some have said that because of the low level of prevalence, the dam our about AIDS should be severely curtailed. They relate AIDS to other disease like malaria syphilis etc that are effecting our people and feel that equal attention should be given to them all.
Some even go to the extent that AIDS will not affect the, as it is a matter of chance affairs. Government is joining with the organized private sector to curb the dreaded disease, which shows the alarming rate of its spread. In a joint coalition, president olusegun obasanjo, chairman and managing Director of chevron Nigeria limited. Mr. tay pryor, a cochairman of the Nigerian business coalition against HIV/AIDS, alongside Pascal Dozie chairman of MTN, Nigeria. Speaking president obasanjo said that he would to invite you as a leader in the private sector to join force with him and other member of our vibrant business coalition against HIV/AIDS. In state house Abuja during the inauguration, president obasanjo further said the body would provide a platform for joint decisions and action against the disease by the federal government and the private sector. He said e the time had come for government and the private sector to join foresee against HIV/AIDS noting HIV/AIDS is treating the fabric of our society and our economy. We must therefore move against this deadly epidemic together. We must come to terms with the reality of the epidemic and do all we can to curb and reserve the spread of this virus (THE NELLS IT MARCH 2003).
More than 5,000,000 cases of Acquired immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) have been reported in Nigeria out of which 94 percent are adults (21 years and above and the remaining 6 percent children under age of five, while 74 parent of these AIDS cases are males, 26 percent are females.
(THE GURDIAN JAN 20 2006). Earlier researches do on this subject have shown that the greatest number of people infected by AIDS fall within the range of 20-40 years, which is the prime age. AIDS is no respecter of person. Anybody can fall victim of it any time except one practices safe sex’’ by keeping to a strictly monogamous relationship. The psychological shock that people must grapple with when told they are carriers of AIDS virus is bad enough. If word of their condition yetis out they can also face dissemination on the fob and in finding a place to live. The special nature of AIDS which torches the most intimate, the most private part of our lives on which the human role revolves with no vaccines for prevention and no drug for are, demands our greatest effects and our most alternation.
Mediator maintained that a good formal paper should begin with a paragraph of explanation that describes the problem under investigation.
Billings’s writing on statement of the problem specifies that under this section, what confront the researcher are the manifest submits of the broad base problem, problem he has observed the institution or the organisation he has deeded to study encounter this include the subsidiary problem arising from the major problem earlier observed. The research has noted that the enormous resources being put in the cursed against HIV/AIDS pandemonium especially in the media for awareness campaign. The resources are in terms of financial, material and human resources. Again the effort of international organisation, governmental and von governmental agencies involved in the HIV/AIDS awareness company and donor agencies have all worked hard to stem the rising tide of all pandemonium but nothing to write home on the end result. Local all international agene ties like the television, Radio, Newspapers and magazine daily devote their time and pages to the campaign but the information disseminated seems to exacerbate the tide. There are rising cases of the number of the HIV/AIDS infection especially in the pacific Asian and African countries. The effect is devastating to the family progress, economic development, and socio-cultural integration. Anti-HIV/AIDS message carried by the media have not changed or quenched the sexual urge and indignations of the people. The campuses, solid gatherings, gathering, sheds, and else where are evidence of the unabashed with fever for sexual gratification among the people inspirited of the related death associated with it.
Visits to HIO/ADS counseling especially in the hospital give a good witness and credence to this malady. Recourses are taking care of the victims. The question to what impact has the media coverage on the people’s sexual behavior? That specifies the problem.
The objective of the study is the main purpose of the research. It is the foundation of the research. It is the rational and baits upon which the research is male. This research work then is aimed under these objectives.
i To measure the effect of media coverage of anti – AIDS campaign on sexual behavior
ii To find out the extent of attitude and change as a result of the media impact.
iii To evaluate the programmer strategies and performance of the media on the anti-AIDS comparing.
It is envisaged that the outcome of the study will help to alert the youths and the entire population on the dangers inherent in AIDS and equally econtilbity to exiting literature in the are of media effects. Also, the study will help the Health ministry to determine which media to employ in disseminating anti-AIDS information. Above all, it is believed that the study will further equip media practitioners, communication experts and researches which to come up with a cooperate and more futuristic approach to covering all maunders of campaign in Nigeria.
- Are people (single and non single) exposed to anti-AIDS campaign carried by the media?
- To what extent are people exposed to media campaign concerning HIV/AIDS than other sourees.
C Does exposure to anti AIDS compaign diseovrage youths form sexual promiscuity?
H1 People are mostly exposed to anti-AIDS campaign as carried by the media.
H0 People are not mostly exposed to anti-AIDS campaign concerning as carried by the media.
H2 The people are more exposed to media campaign concerning HIV/AIDS than other sources.
H0 The people are not more exposed to media campaign concerning HIV/AIDS than other sources.
H3 Exposure to anti-AIDS campaign will tend to discourage youths from sexual promiscuity.
It is assumed that the respondents to the questions are informed enough to understand questions. In this regard are therefore efforts shall be made to form questions as simple possible and preciously to the points.
It is also assumed that the respondents are not only have access to mass media of press (Newspaper and magazines, elation and Television for information but at last also exposed to anti-AIDS news, commentaries advertisements and finagles. It is also assumed that the respondents are of the age to understand what six is all about.
As a result of inadequate finding, time constraints and convince the study shall be limited to campus III in IMT Enugu. Samples shall be derived from SH and FH hostel, Mass Communication department, Business Administration and Management department and rectors village.
The researcher hope that through the use of the questionnaire and scientific sampling techniques the results of the study will be quaralized to a longer population.
MASS MEDIA: Means communicating information to heterogeneous audience.
MEDIA COVERAGE: Divers news dealt with by the media.
AIDS: A killer disease which is lethal
ANTI-AIDS CAMPAIGN: Sequence of planned information to publicize AIDS and its preventive measure.
SEX: Ajitation, feelings leading and surrounding coitus.
YOUTHS: Collectivity of young men and women
SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR: The manner through which people express their sexual urge or desire.
IMT: Institute of higher learning.
In this context refers to various communication channels (specifically radio, television and Newspaper) through which information regarding anti-AIDS campaign is communicated to youth residents and youth schooling in IMT Enugu.
Stands for acquired immune Deficiency syndrome. The word immune refers to the Defense system of the body which helps the body to fight all kinds of infection this system dows not work well in AIDS.
Those attempts through the radio, television and newspaper aimed at curbing the further spread of AIDS.
Sexual activities amongst the young men and women schooling in IMT Enugu – between male and female and a man and a man (homosexual)
Young men and women schooling in IMT Enugu within the age range of 15-40 years.
The attitude of young men and women in IMT to sexual satisfaction.
Higher academic institution of management and Technical Education.
A variable is a phenomenon or event that can be measured or manipulated and is used in the development of constructs. Two sets of variable are identifiable in the research to pic.
- media coverage as independent variable.
- sexual behavior as dependent variable.
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(1979) professional strategy Irwin inc. honey wood.
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