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          This research work was purely undertaken to discover, evaluate and exhaustively determine the critical role of the advertising in the sustenance of Nigeria mass media industry which has not been fully realized that warranted this study.

This work is in depth study into the role of advertising in the sustenance of Nigeria mass media industry. It is a five chapter work.

Chapter one is an introduction to the work, where as chapter two reviews related literature on the study chapter three is concerned with the research methodology while chapter four gives a summary of the entire work as well as conclusion and recommendation for further studies.



INTRODUCTION                                                         1

1.1       Background of the study                                   1

1.2       The History of the Media                                   4

1.3       Objectives of the study                                     8

1.4       Significance of the  study                                 8

1.5       Statement of research problem                        9

1.6       Research Questions                                         10

1.7       Research Hypotheses                                                10

1.8       Definitions of Terms                                          11

1.9       Assumptions                                                      13

1.10    Limitations of the study                                     14



2.1       Sources of Literature                                         15

2.2       Theoretical Frame Work                                   18

2.3         The print Media problem

2.4       Print Media Break Even Means                       20

2.5       Advertising, A case promotion of the Print Media 23

2.6         Advertising and press Freedom                     25

2.7       Broadcast Media                                                27

2.8       Advantages of Advertising in the

Broadcast, Media                                               27

2.9       The Government Advertising and the

Broadcast Media                                                         30

2.10    Broadcast Media and Advertising Agencies has it been sweet Romance.                                                                             33



3.0       Introduction                                                                  36

3.1    Research Method                                                        36

3.2       Research Design                                                                  37

3.3       Research Sample                                                       39

3.4       Measuring Instrument                                                           39

3.5       Data Collection                                                            40

3.6       Data Analysis                                                               41

3.7       Expects Results                                                                    42



4.1       DATA ANALYSIS                                                        43

4.2       Data Distribution And Analysis                                  43


5.1       Summary                                                                      55

5.2       Conclusion                                                                   56

5.3       Recommendations                                                      58

References                                                                  60

Bibliography                                                                 62

Questionnaire                                                              66

                               CHAPTER ONE



The media and advertising as separate institutions have a unique symbiotic relationship. Dating back to the history of the “Print Media in Nigeria, the Lagos weekly record by John Jackson was able to survive until late eighteen century in the face of low patronage, readership, amateurism, and stiff competition that characterized the    early print media in Nigeria because of government adverts placed in it. This 150 points a year advertisement gave the weekly record about 400 ponds in 1900 the (Fred Omu) (Fed Omu, 1978: 1933).

Today, the trend is still the same. The media men and advertising practitioners cannot still cope without each other. On the hand, there is no way the advertiser can send his message across without the  use of the media.

There are lots of other gains to be derived from the media advertising relations which this paper intends the explore to my capability.

In the mean time, it is relevant to induced at this point a brief definitions of the basic institutions on which lies  the care of this research project, as their importance. The media on one hand is associated with mass communication. The media being the medium for mass communication, and mass communication which involves comminuting with a mass audience or a large number of people at a particular time (Nwosu 1987). Although the use of a mass medium or a combination of media is not mention it is an essential need in mass communication.

Adverting on the other hand, has, many definitions “based on individual under standing, what advertising is (Nwosu , 1999). He believes the best definition of advertising is that “it  is mass communication which is aimed amend at helping to sell goods services , idea, persons” .

This definition apparently point out that advertising and media have a lot in common. Here is becomes necessary to  examine the  extent of the commonalties, and chiefly the ways advertisement is indispensable to the media survived. However, it could not be rule out the fact that there are some basic differences, that are not covered by theme of this research project.

In viewing this study on the side of the broadcast media in Nigeria, the case is still almost the same. Time has actually passed when the Nigerian broadcast stations were been supported solely by government funds. But the begging of the depression, advertising revenue from the sales of time and programmes has become from the sales of time and programmes has become a viral sources of income for broadcast media in Nigeria. Hence the 100% government owned  broadcast media have gone particularly or full commercial.

Lastly, this study would be based on a study of prominent newspapers and broadcast stations.

For better understating of this topic. It is however, pertinent to out line a brief history of the media and how it relates to advertising.


The media in Nigeria started as early as 1854 when a publication. IWE IROHN was established by revered gentlemen Henry Town send. At that time it was solely for religions purposes, and as such there was nothing like advertisement in the publication.

Soon after that, a total of fifty – one newspapers was established in 1880 and 1937. The Lagos weekly record own by John Jackson was the publications, and that made it to last longer than other newspapers as the government arranged to pay Jackson a sum of 150 pounds a year or government notices in the weekly record. It should also be observed that advertisement brought a revenue of  about 300 pounds in 1875,  and 400 ponds in 1900.

Noteworthy is the face that contemporary news papers than was not able to last long because of financial difficulties, hence some were running at a loss,  and this was due to lack of advertisement that could have helped to meet cost of production and as well make profit for those newspapers.

Apart from the Lagos weekly record, the Daily. Times which was a partnership venture between certain Nigeria, and European businessmen was another newspaper  was sustained though “ the significant expansion in advertisement support”.

The broadcast media formally started in Nigeria   with the inauguration of Nigeria Broadcasting service. In 1751, in Lagos, this was followed by the establishment of Western Nigeria Broadcasting Service in 1957. Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting service in 1952 and Northern Nigeria Broadcast media was solely founded by the government. In 1967 when 12 stated were created, broadcast media increased. With further creation of states in 1976 and 1988, more broadcasting stations were established as states want it for present and dissention of information of government policies.

Only state own Broadcast media and Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) sell advertise time. The Federal radio corporation (FRCO) was still being funded by the government, not until 1982 when government allowed it to go commercial. This than increase the number of stations in the country, thereby giving advertisers many stations which they can buy air time.

Advertising in Nigeria can be traced back to 1928, when  the former West African publicity  company, now LINTAS led to the advertisement of other advertising outfit as Hormblow code and Freeman, Glilines West Africa, Anger and Tunner, and Nigeria Burean of publicity. One unique characteristic of all these advertising outfit is that they were mainly owned by foreigners.

It is not all that is a success story between 1930  and    1940, in that they have initial problem in the form of ‘absence of local experts, and insufficient publicity houses”.

Between 1928 to 1944 there was not much relationship between the media  and these advertising outfits, as “the press medium begun to play a minimal role in Nigeria advertisement. There were the Daily Times, Lagos Daily News and Nigerian Telegraph. The situation continued until the  1950s and 1960s  that advertising begun to become popular.

In 70s, there was emergence of indigenous advertising outfits funded and owned by Nigerians. As at 1988, there were about 68 advertising with the increase in economic activities and need to promote  products, services, services, ideas, there comes the need to advertising, and the media to send message across.


The objective (s)          of this study is to find out if advertising has any role to play in the sustenance of the media.

It will also of important interest (s) to point out how this role I played, and of  what relevant it is to the media.





Advertisers preferences of media channel problems, choice, and reasons

Advertisers preferences of media channel problems, choice, and reasons (a comparative study of daily sun Newspaper and newswatch  Magazine)






  • Background of the study                               1
  • Statement of problems 8
  • Objective of study 9
  • Research questions 9
  • Significance of study                                      10
  • Scope of the study 11
  • Limitation of study 11
  • Definition of terms                                         11



2.1   Introduction                                                    15

2.2   Media selection                                               15

2.3   Theoretical Framework                                  27




3.1   Introduction                                                    31

3.2   Research design                                              32

3.3   Population of the study                                  32

3.4   Sample size                                                     33

3.5   Sampling technique                                       34

3.6   Source of data                                                 35

3.7   Instrument for data collection                       35

3.8   Validation of instrument                                        35

3.9   Method of data analysis                                 36




4.1   Introduction                                                    37

4.2   Analysis of demographic data                                37

4.3   Discussion of the finding                                42




5.1  Summary                                                                43

5.2   Conclusion                                                      43

5.3   Recommendation                                            44

5.4   Recommendation for further studies             45

Reference                                                                47

Appendix                                                         49

Questionnaires                                               50




This research is on Advertisers Preferences of Media Channels, Problems, Choice and Reasons (A Comparative Study of Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine). This study is designed to find out the level of preferences of different advertisers towards Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine. This study is divided into five chapters in order to present a coherent work. Chapter one focuses on background of study, Statement of Problem, Purpose of Study.

Chapter two focuses on Literature Review and Theoretical Framework. Chapter three focuses on Research Methodology, method and Procedures used in the study. Chapter four deals on Data Presentation and Analysis, while chapter five deals on Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations. What the researcher has in mind is to find out the best channel for advertising. The study proved that Daily Sun Newspaper is more effective in advertising than Newswatch Magazine.






1.1  Background of Study

An advertiser can be defined as a person, organization or company that places advertisements in order to target audience or customers. The entire business of a commercial organization or company starts with advertising. That is to say that the rise and fall of the profit of a company depends solely on the expenditure incurred by the advertiser.

A form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some actions, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support.

In Latin, “ad vertere” means to “to turn toward”. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful.

According to Wikipedia Atom Feed, Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products this communication is usually through various form of paid media like TV and radio commercials, print adverts, bill boards and more recently, product placement.

Adverts are placed where advertisers believe they will reach the largest, most relevant audience.

Commercial business use advertising to drive the consumption of their product, while non-profit organization may place adverts to raise awareness or encourage a change in behavior or perception.

Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various old media including mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television advertisement, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail, or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through “branding” which involves associating a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers.

Non commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include, political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Non-profit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a Public Service Announcement (PSA).

According to Jefkins (1998-187) defines advertising media as that which supplies the vehicles for advertising message, carrying them to the right readers, viewers, listeners or passers by. It may also be referred to as the vehicles that propel the messages to where they are needed”.

Advertising media selection is the process of choosing the most cost – effective media for advertising to achieve the required coverage and number of expures in a target audience.

Media selection is typically measured on two dimensions: frequency and spread.

In frequency, it is insufficient for a target audience member to have just one “Opportunity To See (OTS)” the advertisement. In traditional media, around five OTS are believed or required for a reasonable impact. Some research shows that advertisements require significant exposure to consumers before they can even register.

Those viewers who receive fewer OTS are insufficiently motivated, and extra advertising is wasted on those who receive more.

The major steps in media selection as:-

Deciding on reach, frequency and impact, secondly, choosing among major media types. Thirdly, Decoding on media timing.

The advertiser decides on the reach and frequency of the media channel he is about to choose.

He further considers the percentage of people in the target audience who are exposed to the advertising campaign during a given period of time. Frequency refers to how many times the average person in the target market is exposed to the message. Media impact involves the qualitative value.

The advertiser must decide on how to schedule the advertising over the course of the year. There are different types of media channels open to the advertisers.

They are the Electronic or Broadcasting Media, which includes the radio and television.

According to Neli Kokemuller, magazines and newspapers are important print media used by companies to deliver advertising messages. They share similarities as print media, the strengths and weaknesses of each medium are distinct.

Newspapers tend to offer opportunities for the broadcast range of advertisers, but magazines have strengths in helping you connect with a specific audience.

Not minding these few merits they still have their demerit which is now left for the advertisers to determine.

Advertisers some times choose among magazines and newspaper based on their strength, weakness, lead times, creativity, life span and cost effectiveness.

Magazines are typically read by highly interested audiences because there are specific magazines for various topics. It allows you to reach an audience that has higher potential for persuasion if your products relate closely to the topic of the publication magazines are however more costly than newspapers.

Newspapers on the other hand offer affordable advert rates which benefits small businesses on a tight budget.

However, despite the fact that newspapers offer color, newspaper design it isn’t nearly as captivating it diminishes as large copy runs. They are useful when reaching a broad geographic market, but they are limited if you have a more specific demographic market.

Newspapers are highly advantageous on targeting geographic market segments. Its publications include local, regional and national newspapers. The lead time of a newspaper is short which an advantage.

However, magazine has narrow audience, long-lead time and more expensive. Though they are more creative and have longer life than newspaper.

1.2  Statement of problem

Advertising play an important role in persuading thee target audience to purchase a companies products. That is why we say that the rise and fall of advertising business solely depend on the expenditure incurred by advertiser.

As a result of this the researcher is bent on finding some of the problems encountered by the advertisers while choosing the different media of their choices.

This study therefore is zeroed down to Daily Sun newspaper and Newswatch magazine. The advertisers are faced with the challenges of choosing the between frequency of publication, their life span and cost of effectiveness which will enable them choose the most effective for their advertisement.

1.3  Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study to enable the researcher determine the most effective media channels of advertisement.

The researcher at the end of this study will be able to bring out the strength and weakness of newspaper and magazine advertisement and give the advertiser the privilege of choosing the media of the choice.   

1.4  Research Question

  • Is Daily Sun and Newswatch magazine effective for advertising?
  • Is the cost of advertising in Daily Sun and Newswatch magazine affordable?
  • Do Daily Sun and Newswatch magazine reach maximum number of people?
  • Is Daily Sun and Newswatch magazine perfect for advertisement?


1.5  Significance of the Study

This study will help advertisers and prospective advertisers to determine the best channels to be adopted why advertising for their various companies.

It will also help to elaborate more on the problems that advertisers face why choosing a channel of their choice.

Furthermore, it will also serve as a literature or reference material one can consult in this area of study if the need arises.

1.6  Scope of Study        

Determining the media channels preferred by different advertisers for there different advertisement is a very big task. This study in order to be conclusive in its facts finding zeroed it down to Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine using few advertisers in Oko.

1.7  Limitation of Study

There are certain factors or problems encountered by the researcher during the process of finding and collection of data. There were some logistics problems, some respondent were uncooperative with some questionnaire unreturned and unanswered.

1.8  Definition of Terms

Some terminologies in this work would be defined for the purpose of understanding properly what the researcher means.

Those terms include:

  1. Advertising: “Advertising is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, service or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media” (Bovee, 1992:7).
  2. Advertisers: A person organization or company that places advertisements in order to target customers.
  3. Newspaper: A printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements and correspondence.
  4. Magazine: A periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest. The paper usually have glossy papers.
  5. Media channel: specific medium used in reaching intended audience, such as newspapers, radio station, television stations etc.
  1. Effectiveness: The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result success.
  2. Preferences: A greater liking for one alternative over another or others.
  3. Customer: An individual or business that purchases goods or services produced by a business, since it is the customer who pays for supply and creates demand.
  4. Communication: Two way process of reaching mutual understanding in which participant not exchange (encode-decode) information, news ideas and feeling but also create and share meaning.
  5. Consumption: The process in which the substance of a thing is completely destroyed, used up or incorporated or transformed into something else. Consumption of good and services is the amount of them used in a particular time period.
  6. Branding: The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumer’s mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.
  7. Frequency: the number of time that an event occurs within a given period.
  8. Market segment: the process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demands characteristics.



These are some of the higher institutions in Nigeria website we partner with in research. You can get information on the schools through their websites below.


Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, .

Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri, .

Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri, .

Federal College of Educ. Abeokuta, .

Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, .

Federal College of Education, Kano, .

Federal College of Education, Katsina, .

Federal college of Education, Kontagora, .

Federal College of Education, Obudu, .

Federal College of Education, Okene, .

Federal College of Education, Okene, .

Federal College of Education, Pankshin, .

 Federal College of Education, Yola, .

Federal College of Education, Zaria, .

Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka, .

Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba, .

Federal College of Education (Technical), Bichi, .

Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe, .

Federal College of Education (Technical), Gusau, .

Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku, .

Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, .

State college of education Past Questions, jamb exam, jamb registration Form And Admissions List

College of Education, Agbor, .

Akwa-Ibom State College of Education, Afaha-Nsit, .

College of Education, Akwanga, .

College of Education, Akwanga, .

Cross River State College of Education, Akamkpa, .

Adamu Augie College of Education, Argungu, .

College of Education, Azare, .

Bayelsa State College of Education, Okpoama, .

Emmanuel Alyande College of Education, Oyo, .

Enugu State College of Education (Tech.) Enugu, .

College of Education, Ekiadolor, .

Umar Suleiman College of Education, Gashua, .

College of Education, Gindiri, .

Michael Otedola College of Primary Education, Moforiji, .

College of Education, Port Harcourt, .

Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Otto, .

Tai Solarin College of Education, Ijebu-Ode, .

Tai Solarin College of Education, Ijebu-Ode, .

Ebonyi State College of Education, Ikwo, .

College of Education, Ikere, .

College of Education, Ilesha, .

College of Education, Ilesha, .

College of Education, Ilorin, .

College of Education, Jalingo, .

Kano State College of Education, Kumbotso, .

College of Education, Benue, .

Kebbi State College of Education, Argungu, .

College of Education, Minna, .

Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, .

College of Education, Oju, .

College of Education, Oro, .

College of Education, Oro, .

Oyo State College of Education, Oyo, .

College of Education, Warri, .

College of Education, Warri, .

FCT College of Education, Zuba, .

Private college of education in Nigeria Past Questions, jamb exam, jamb registration Form And Admissions List

Angel Crown College of Education, Gidan-Daya, .

Elder Oyama Memorial College of Education, Ofat-Adun, .

Assanusiyah College of Education, Odeomu, .

African Thinkers Community of inquiry College of Education, .

Best Legacy College of Education, Ikirun, .

Bauchi Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, .

Calvin Foundation College of Education, Naka, .

Harvard Wilson College of Education, Aba, .

Hill College of Education, Akwanga, .

Institute of Ecumenical Education, Enugu, .

College of Education, Foreign Links Campus Moro, .

College of Education, Foreign Links Campus Moro, .

Diamond College of education aba . past questions,jamb news, admission form and list

Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin, .

ONIT College of Education, Abagana, .

The African Church College of Education, Lagos, .

St. Augustine College of Education, Yaba, .

Yewa Central College of Education, Ogun, .

List of all the Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria

Air Force Institute of Technology Nigerian Air Force,

Air Force Institute of Technology Nigerian Air Force,  Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, .

Nigeria Army School of Military Engineering, 

Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti

Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti

Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi,

Federal Polytechnic, Bida,

Federal Polytechnic, Bida,

Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu,

Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State,

 Federal Polytechnic, Ida,

 Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro,

Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Ondo State,

Federal Polytechnic, Mubi,

Federal Polytechnic, Namoda,

Federal Polytechnic, Nassarawa,

Federal Polytechnic, Nekede,

Federal Polytechnic, Nekede,

Federal Polytechnic, Offa,

 Federal Polytechnic, Offa

 Federal Polytechnic, Oko,

Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna,

Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic,

Nigeria Army School of Military Engineering,

Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology,

Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic Birnin Kebbit

Yaba College of Tech, past questions,

List of State Polytechnics in Nigeria

 Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic,


 Adamawa State Polytechnic,

Akwa-Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot-Osurua,

Benue State Poly, Ugbokolo,

Gateway Polytechnic, Igbesa,

Rufus Giwa Polytechnic,

Rufus Giwa Polytechnic,

The Polytechnic, Ibadan, .

Institute of Mgt. and Tech, .

Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo, .

Kano State Polytechnic, .

Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, .

Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, .

Lagos State Poly, Ikorodu, .

Moshood Abiola Poly, .

Nasarawa State Polytechnic, .

Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, .

Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, .

Osun State Poly, Iree, .

Osun State Poly, Iree, .

Osun State College of Tech, Esa-Oke, .

Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, .

Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi, .

Adamawa State Poly, .

Rivers State College of Arts and Science, .

Rivers State College of Arts and Science, .

Rivers State Polytechnic, .

Gateway Polytechnic Saapade, .

Edo State Inst. of Tech and Mgt, Usen, .

Niger State Poly, Zungeru, Niger State, .

List of Private Polytechnics in Nigeria

Allover Central Polytechnic, .

Crown Polytechnics, .

Covenant Polytechnic, .

Dorben Polytechnic, Bwari-Garam Road, .

Fidei Polytechnic, Gboko, .

Grace Polytechnic, .

Grace Polytechnic, .

Igbajo Polytechnic, .

The Polytechnic, Ile-Ife, NITEL Road, .

Lagos City Poly, Ikeja, Lagos State, .

Light House Polytechnic, Eubuobanosa, .

Interlink Polytechnic, .

Kings Polytechnic, Ubiaja, .

RONIK Polytechnic, .

Shaka Polytechnic, Polytechnic, Benin city, .

Temple-Gate Polytechnic, .

Wolex Polytechnic, .

Prime Polytechnic, .

The Polytechnic Imesi-Ile, Osun, .

Heritage Polytechnic, Ikot Udota, .

Ibadan City Polytechnic, .

List of State Polytechnics in Nigeria

 Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic, Ijebu-Igbo, .

Abia State Polytechnic, .

Adamawa State Polytechnic, .

Akwa-Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot-Osurua, .

Benue State Poly, Ugbokolo, .

Gateway Polytechnic, Igbesa, .

Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, .

Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, .

The Polytechnic, Ibadan, .

Institute of Mgt. and Tech, .

Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo, .

Kano State Polytechnic, .

Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, .

Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, .

Lagos State Poly, Ikorodu, .

Moshood Abiola Poly, .

Nasarawa State Polytechnic, .

Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, .

Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, .

Osun State Poly, Iree, .

Osun State Poly, Iree, .

Osun State College of Tech, Esa-Oke, .

Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, .

Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi, .

Adamawa State Poly, .

Rivers State College of Arts and Science, .

Rivers State College of Arts and Science, .

Rivers State Polytechnic, .

Gateway Polytechnic Saapade, .

Edo State Inst. of Tech and Mgt, Usen, .

Niger State Poly, Zungeru, Niger State, .

List of Private Polytechnics in Nigeria

Allover Central Polytechnic, .

Crown Polytechnics, .

Covenant Polytechnic, .

Dorben Polytechnic, Bwari-Garam Road, .

Fidei Polytechnic, Gboko, .

Grace Polytechnic, .

Grace Polytechnic, .

Igbajo Polytechnic, .

The Polytechnic, Ile-Ife, NITEL Road, .

Lagos City Poly, Ikeja, Lagos State, .

Light House Polytechnic, Eubuobanosa, .

Interlink Polytechnic, .

Kings Polytechnic, Ubiaja, .

RONIK Polytechnic, .

Shaka Polytechnic, Polytechnic, Benin city, .

Temple-Gate Polytechnic, .

Wolex Polytechnic, .

Prime Polytechnic, .

The Polytechnic Imesi-Ile, Osun, .

Heritage Polytechnic, Ikot Udota, .

Ibadan City Polytechnic, .

List of Federal Universities in Nigeria

Abubakar Tafawa Belewa University, .

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, .

Bayero University, Kano, .

Federal University, Gashua, .

Federal University of Tech, Akure, .

Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, .

Federal University of Technology, Minna, .

Federal University of technology, Owerri, .

Federal University Dutse, .

Federal University Dutsin-Ma, .

Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, .

Federal University, Otuoke, .

Federal University, Wukari, .

Federal University, Birnin Kebbi, .

Federal University, Gusau

Michael Okpara Univeristy of Agric, Umudike, .

Modibbo Adama University of Tech, Yola, .

National Open University of Nigeria, .

Nigeria Police Academy Wudil, .

Nigeria defense Academy, Kaduna, .

Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, .

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, .

University of Abuja, Gwagwalada, .

University of Agriculture Abeokuta, .

University of Agriculture Markurdi, .

University of Benin, .

University of Calabar, .

University of Lagos, .

University of Maiduguri, .

University of Nigeria Nsukka, .

University of Port-Harcourt, .

University of Uyo, .

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, .

List of State Universities in Nigeria admission list

Abia State University, Uturu, .

Adamawa State University, Mubi, .

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, .

Amrose Alli University, Ikot Akpaden, .

Anambra State University of Sc. & Tech, Uli, .

Anambra State University of Sc. & Tech, Uli, .

Bauchi State Unibversity, Gadau, .

Benue State University Markurdi, .

Bukar Abba Ibrahim University, Damaturu, .

Cross River State University of Sc. & Tech, Calabar, .

Delta State University Abraka, .

Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, .

Ekiti State University, .

Enugu State University of Sc. & Tech. Enugu, .

Gombe State University, Gombe

Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, .

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, .

Imo state University,Owerri, .

Jigawa State University, .

Kaduna State University, Kaduna .

Kano University of Sc. & Tech, Wudil

Kebbi State University, Kebbi, .

Kogi State University, Anyigba, .

Kwara State University, Ilorin, .

Ladoke Akintola university of Tech, .

Lagos State University Ojo, .

Nasarawa State University, Keffi, .

Niger Delta University, Yenagoe, .

Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye, .

Ondo State University of Sc. & Tech, Okitipupa, .

Osun State University, Oshogbo, .

Plateau State University, Bokkos, .

Rivers State University of Sc. & Tech, .

Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-ode, .

Taraba State University, Jalingo, .

Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University, .

Private Universities

Achievers University, Owo, .

Adeleke University, Ede, .

Afe Babalola University, Ado- Ekiti, .

African University of Sc. & Tech, Abuja, .

Al-hikmah University, Ilorin, .

Ajayi Crowther University, Ibadan, .

Al-Qalam University, Katsina, .

American University of Nigeria, Yola, .

Babcock University, Ilishan, .

Baze University, .

Bells University of Technology, Otta, .

Benson Idahosa University, Benin, .

Bingham University, New Karu, .

Bowen University, Iwo, .

Caleb University, Lagos, .

Caritas University, Enugu, .

CETEP City University, Lagos, .

Covenant University, Ota, .

Crawford University, Igbesa, .

Crescent University, .

Elizade University, Ilara-mokin, .

Fountain University, Oshogbo, .

Gregory University, Uturu, .

Hallmark University, .

Igbinedion University, Okada

Joseph Ayo Babalola University,Ikeji, .

Kwararafa University, Wukari, .

Lead City University, Ibadan, .

Madonna University, Okija

Mcpherson University, Seriki

Nigerian-Turkish Nile University, Abuja, .

Novena University, Ogume, .

Obong University, Obong Ntak, .

Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, .

Pan-African University, Lagos, .

Paul University, Awka, .

Redeemer’s University, Mowe, .

Renaissance University, Enugu, .

Salem University, Lokoja, .

Tansian University, Umunya, .

University of Mkar

Veritas University, .

Wellspring University, Edo, .

Wesley University of Sc. & Tech, Ondo, .

Western Delta University, Oghara





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As competition between businesses geared up, if becomes imperative to turn, attention to customers needs and wants which are naturally insatiable. The marketing concept arose to challenge all other previous concept. Orjih (1998) in his book “Seminar in Banking and finance.” Concluded that marketing concept holds the key to achieving organizational goals consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more / effectively and efficiently than its competitions. The marketing concept is of frame of mind which the market focus, customer orientation coordinated marketing and profitability.

The marketing concepts starts with a well defined market, and the organization that determines who its markets will be, who he hopes to satisfy as concluded by Melver and Geoffrey (1980) in book “Marketing financial services.

By customer orientation, it implies that the customer’s need is defined from customer’s view point and not from the aspect of the company. The customers orientation seeks to crown the customers as “king” recognizing the fact that the customers is the life blood of an organization. A business man once said that “Our aim goes beyond satisfying the customers”. Coordinating marketing entails that all the various marketing function like, advertising, marketing research, sales forces and so on due properly integrated and must be well coordinated with other departments in the company. The companies are to make profit. A company will make more profit, if it satisfies its customer’s needs better than competitors. Therefore, in applying the marketing concept, companies would produce what the customers want, and by so doing, they maximize more profit.

Several authors have stated the need to adopt the marketing concept by the business entities. Kotler (1997) in his book “marketing management analysis, planning and control”.

Said that most companies do not really grasp or embrace the marketing concept until they are driven to it by circumstance like, sales dechine, slow growth, changing of buying patterns by the customers, increasing competition and increase in marketing expenditure. The emergence of  banking industries and its services in Nigeria can be traced back to 100years ago. The activities of transactional corperation, the financial transactions of the colonial government the decline of the better system of trade and the increasing acceptance of British silver currency, all these required an institution in the form of a commercial banks for softy and transmission of funds, the importation and distribution of British silver coins and provision of credit to the government and trading companies who need the services of the banking industries. Banks were out to make profit interest gotten from the credits granted to these customers, without actually satisfying the customers. They never really thought of the customers as the life blood of the banking industries.

In the past, banks were operating in a seller’s market which made demarketing possible, but the environment is dynamic, such that if bank are taking place in industry and commerce, only banks that are efficient and effective can satisfy customer. This in scarce and abundant economics alike the problem is not production but marketing, if only we accept the truth that mass marketing is a pre-requisite for a successful mass production. Therefore, marketing consideration can only be the most critical factor in any business planning.


In banking industries, the quality of services rendered by the banks have been attracting critisms from people in all works of life. The government functionaries, businessmen, the media and the general public are all very critical of banking services. The complaint ranges from those of efficiency, favouritism, long delays in casting cheques or making withdrawals, tardiness in granting loans or credits, unfriendly attitude of bank workers. Even the government that own a sizeable proportion of shares in most banks is known to constant aceusation of banks for not identifying enough with nation’s aspiration. That is the reason why one time the general staff had a cause to appeal to banks to leave arm chair banking and adopt the marketing concept in carrying out banking activities. Most banks do not put their customers in the prime place as there are supposed to be. There is now keen competition and accurate competition means applying the marketing concepts. Now, are these critisms about banks justified, or are they just a mere rundown of banking industry because they are making profit in an era of economic slump?


From all that have been written above, it is the aim of this study to take a segment of the banking industry and study the approach of the banks to their customer.

–         To evaluate the application of the marketing concept by banks as a base for rendering services to their customers.

–         To determine the various ways of marketing of banking services by the banks to their customers.

–         To determine the effectiveness of marketing mix in the marketing of financial services.

–         To identify the problems of marketing of banking services

–         To proffer solutions to the problem of marketing of financial services.

–         To appraise marketing strategies and make recommendations that would be more effective in the marketing services.


– What is the amount of time spent by customers in carious banks during a normal banking transaction?

– What is the reaction of customers as to the rendering of banks services?

– How does bank staff and customers relates one another?

– Does banks provide enough services and infrastructural facilities?

– Does banks apply marketing concepts by satisfying their customers in the way they render their services?


The project is conducted with the aim of providing which to accept between null and alternative hypothesis, which is stated below.

Ho:    Application of marketing concepts is not the bases for rendering    effective service to bank customers by banks.

Hi:    Application of marketing concept is the bases for rendering   effective services to bank customers by banks.

Ho:    Time Consuming is not one of the problems in the banking   services.

Hi:     Time consuming is one of the problems in the banking services

Ho:    Marketing of banking services has not significantly,

Hi:     Marketing of banking services has significantly contributed to        banks profitability.


There have been so many criticisms about the banking industry in the way they render services to their customers. They do not see their customers as the king. The researcher wants to carry out a research an what banks do and find out if they adopt the marketing concept in the conditions of the services. The researcher also want to have an empirical base either to support all the sources about the poor impression people have on the banks and to advice the banks on how to improve on their services by adopting the marketing concept. The magic formular is adopting marketing as a way of life. A business must learn to think of itself not as producing goods services, but as buying customers and doing the things which will make people we to deal with it. Do banks really know their customers, and are they foucy or love? If my findings and not valid, I would say that there are no bases for the criticisms, but that they arise because the banks are doing well; if there services are actually poor, why should they make so much profit. Are they doing this at the detriment of their customers?


The scope of this study is very wide if it has to be carried out in all commercial banks in Nigeria. The study is limited, based on the fact that there is not enough time and resources to see to the whole nation. The study is limited to Enugu and the findings may not be valid for the whole banks in Nigeria, but by and large, what happens in Banks in Enugu can be said to apply to other banks.







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        This study on the impact of promotion of the marketing of a new services with particular note on Globa-com Plc Enugu was carried out some of the following objective.

  1. To determine the Impact of promotional strategies in Creating consumers awareness of Globa –Com
  2. To determine the Impact of promotional strategies on customers patronage of Globa-Com in Enugu Metropolis.  For additional information extensive literature review was conducted, researcher reviewed text books, journals magazines and News papers that are related to this study.  In order o achieve thus objective three set if questionnaire were prepare and administered to a population comparison staff/management distributors and customers of Globa-Com Plc within Enugu Metropolis.  The sample size of the study was determined using Topman’s formula to determine the sample size for customers, while census were used or the relevant staff management.

The data collected were presented on statistical table, analyzed and interpreted.

The hypothesis were tested using chi-square based on the analysis he following finding were made that the personal selling strategy has much impact on customers disposition and patronage.  That Globa-com Plc have not fully designed an optimal combinations of promo-tools to enhance their  performances.

The researcher wants the coverage of  GSM facilities to extent to more areas, particularly the towns and village to engender wider communication in the country.

The researcher recommended that the capacity of Globa-Com should be up grade urgently to enable it support efficient service of GSM in Nigeria.



1.1      Background of the study

1.2      Statement of problems

1.3      Objectives of the study

1.4      Formulation of hypothesis

1.5      Scope of the study

1.6      Significance of the study

1.7      Definition of terms


2.0      Literature review

2.1      Meaning of marketing Promotion

2.2      An overview of a new products

2.3      Objectives of promotion

2.3.1 Component of Marketing promotion

2.3.2 Advertising

2.3.3    Sales promotion

2.3.4    Personal selling

2.3.5    Public relation

2.3.6    Direct marketing

2.4          The Impact of promotion on the marketing of new service in Enugu Metropolis

2.5          The Impact of promotion on the marketing of Globa –Com.



3.0      Research Methodology

3.1   Sources of data

3.2      Research Instruments used

3.3      Population of study

3.4      Sampling technique

3.5      Determination of sample size

3.6      Method of questionnaire distribution

3.7      Method of data analysis

3.8      Limitations of the study


4.0      Presentation Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

4.1   Presentation and Analysis of data

4.2      Testing of hypothesis


5.0      Summary of findings, Recommendation and Conclusion

5.1   Summary of findings

5.2      Recommendations

5.3      Conclusion





Establishment of business including communication services requires that the firms make key decision.  These decision affects the total marketing programmes of the firm, simple put the marketing strategy.  However one vital area of such decision which demands proper attention is the communication strategy.

Communication industry must initiate promotional polices and programmes to inform, persuade and educate its target audience of the existence of the organization and their products.

Although creation of demand of a firm product may be the ultimate objectives of a company’s marketing promotion, this  objective  is never achieved at one full swoop.  The firm must put in place a set of  activities aimed at stimulating demand for their products.

This may involve determining the optional combinations of the promotional Mix, advertising sales promotions, personal selling, publicity, public relation Direct marketing and packaging to achieve its promotional   objectives.   This optional lend is a function of the promotional resources nature of the product, just to mention but a few.

Adirika, Ebue, and Nnolim (1996: 35) see promotion as the component used by the organization to inform, educate and persuade the market regarding the company’s  offerings.  Advertising personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relations are the major variables of promotion.

Promotion is a vital ingredient of survival and development, without adequate promotion products may not sell, when they their continuity is in doubt.  The art and science of marketing promotion, which comprises advertising personal selling sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing is often associated with glamour and flamboyance. Infact most of the budget of some companies is spent on promotions because of the need of survive in the competitive marketing environment.

Edoga and Ani (2000:243) noted that marketing success does not, just depend on good product, good price and efficient distribution. It is also vital that organisation communicates its, so offerings to that advertising, personal selling  sale promotions public relations, publicity and direct marketing can be used to inform prospective buyers about the benefit of their products persuade then to try and remind them later about the benefits they will desire by using the product.

Modern marketing companies are increasingly recognizing the value of an effective communication and promotion programme for their entire public including G.S.M Global communication.

Ebue noted that modern marketing does not shop at developing a good product, pricing it attractively and making it really available to target customers. The company must communicate to its target audience, tell good stories, disseminate information about the products existence, feature terms and benefits to the target market.

Coppo. J. 91992: 201) confirms that the promotional tools serve as supreme vehicles in competition and provide the only way a market nicher can, hope to penetrate on established market. He went further to state hat for a company to excel above others in the competitive market such a company must value the importance of promotion.

Global-Com is one of the G.S.M service providers in Enugu. The company, has its branch of at Ebeano Estates,  since its inection about two years ago. The company has been doing very well. But Global –Com as at now is facing a lot competition from other G.S.M service providers like dropped as a result of this competition form other G.S.M service providers like dropped as a result of this competition, it is necessary for Global-com to appraise its promotional strategies in order to fight competition in the marketing x-rays.

It is the in light of this that the research the promotional on the marketing if new product in Enugu Metropolis.  A Case study of Global –Com.


Inadequate sale are often given by entrepreneur as major causes of their failure.  A careful review of their circumstance often reveals abysmal ignorance of the need for promotional skill or deliberate neglect of the necessity for co-ordained promotional strategies.

Quite often marketers are very optimistic about sales (patroage0 they conceive the wrong motion that their will sell themselves, forgetting that even the best product /service still need to be stimulated in order to more out of the store.  Global –com with its newness in Enugu metropolis need to effectively promote its product because it is new and there is high competition in the market, Infact, the creation of effective promotional strategies is an essential more towards creating a market.

The above statement applies equally to Global-Com services.  Despite the numbers advantages inherent in effective promotion, The availability of promotional facilities, the need to use promotional to fight competition in this industry, the use of co-ordinated effective promotional tools in Global –Com operation is barely evident and is negatively impacting on their operation.  It is in the light of the importance attached to promotion, that the researcher seem to find out the best promotional activities that could be used by GSM operators like global-Com for improved performance in Enugu Metropolis.


  1. To determine the effectiveness of promotion on sales of Globa-Com in Enugu Metropolis.
  2. To determine customers patronage of Globa-Com in Enugu Metropolis.
  3. To determine the Impact of promotional strategies in Creating consumers awareness of global com in Enugu Metropolis.
  4. To determine the impact of promotional strategies on customers patronage of Global Com in Enugu Metropolis.
  5. To appraise he promotional strategies adopted by global com in Enugu Metropolis for increased profitability.


  1. Ho:  Promotional strategies adopted by global com in Enugu Metropolis do not create consumers awareness of their  services.

Hi:  Promotional strategies adopted by global com in Enugu metropolis create consumers awareness of their  services.

  1. Ho:  Promotional activities of globacom does not encourage customers patronage.

Hi:  Promotional activities of globacom encourage customers patronage.

  1. Ho:  Promotional activities of Globa Com do not lead to increased sales volume of the G.S.M services.

Hi:  Promotional activities of Globacom leads to increased sales volume of the G.S.M services

4.   Ho:   The promotional actives of Globa-Com do not lead
to increase profit of the organisation

Hi  The promotional activities of Globa-Com lead to increase profit for the organisation.








          The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of public relations in service industries. A case study of the Enugu state university of science and Technology (ESUT) Enugu.
To guide this study, three hypotheses were formulated. A review of related literature was done to expose the researcher to what has already been done to ensure solid conclusion for the study. A structural questionnaire was developed and administered by the researcher to respondents comprising of the students and staff/management of the institution. The data collected were from both primary and secondary sources and were duly analysed and presented in a manner in which they could be easily be understood and applied by whosoever may be interested in the work and its findings.
From the analysis, the following findings emerged

  1. Majority of the students are not aware of the services provided by the public relation school of the institution.
  2. Public relations activities of ESTU has led do industrial harmony, this is evidenced by the fact that there has not been major strikes that lasted for a long time.
  3. Public relations activities of ESTU also led to impact positions on student’s patronage of the institution.

Based on the above findings, the researcher made the following recommendations that:

  1. ESUT public relations department should be well funded to enable them acquire more sophisticated equipments to improve public relations activities.
  2. ESUT should up grade the quality of the service they provide by creating awareness so that all may know about them.
  3. Public relations functions should be clearly defined to avoid confusion in the institution. From this, the researcher concluded that public relations is a potent tool for marketing of goods and services, ESUT must embrace it for the satisfaction of its numerious publics.


Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Objective of the study
Research Hypothesis
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Population of the study
Determination of sample size
Sample size for staff/management
Sample size for students
Instrument and method of data collection
Questionnaire design
Method of data analysis
Administration of Questionnaire

Test of Hypothesis

Summary of findings

Public relations has become a potent marketing tool in modern business management in recent times. Its influence is being felt on both big and small firms with the influence of even greater expansion. It is important for management organization including tertiary institutions to understand its potential and limitations.
Nwokoye (1984:212) defined public relations as the activities of co – operations, union, government or other organisations in building and marketing sound and productive relations with special public such as customers, relations employees or stock holders and with public at large so as to adopt itself to its environment and interpret itself to the society. Bush and Houston (1995:200) noted that public relations is management functions which evaluate public attitude, identifies policies and procedures of an individuals or an organisations with the public interest and execute a programme of action to earn public understanding and acceptance. Chukwu (2000:3 – 4) stated that public relations practice is a management philosophy aimed at doing everything possible to create good relationship between one organization and its publics.
Public Relations is aimed at making friends for the organization and building internal and external good will on the reasonable assumption that these are strongly needed for an organization to remain in business and make profit with the increase in the activities of an organization. The need for an adequate communication between the organization and those who in one way or the other are affected by these activities of the organization becomes more imperative. An organization while wanting to remain liable, need to have good relations with its employees, consumers of its products and services, future investors, stock – holders and infact that is the general public. As an organization specialized in manufacturing to potential customers that is up to date, forward looking concerned to produce and offer the best goods and services for the rice it charges and make sure that its customers are really satisfied. Edoga and Ani (2001:287) noted that a company should deliberately plan and execute a continuous public relations programme to develop a good relation between it and that various publics, amongst sought with public relations. Stressing the position of public relations in the country, Olakunori (1999:194) noted that most officials occupying the public relations of various organizations in the country today are not professionals; they generally have a fair knowledge of what they are supposed to do.
Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) as an institution or organization has the students, members of its staff, parents- teachers association, the management, the host society, the state and the federal government, Nigerian Universities commission (NUC) etc. as its relevant publics. This implies that the activities performed by ESUT in one way or the other affect those aforementioned various public. Therefore, in order to maintain its public relations with those bodies, ESUT must at all time try to create a rapport and understanding or goodwill with all those bodies. This it will do through proper information circulation between itself and those various relevant publics to it. This can be done by allowing the free flows of information, paying of salaries as and when due to its staff, engaging in proper and standard academic work, abiding by the rules and regulations of NUC in the performance of its activities.
Manufacturers and producers of goods and service are now aware that public relations does not only ensure good relations with the public but can strive towards profit making through increased customers patronage. It is in the light of the importance attached to public relations that the researcher seeks to appraise the effectiveness of public relations in service industries in Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) as a case study.

A good corporate image is usually regarded to be essentials for the existence of an organization. The success or failure of a corporation depends on its relationship with its publics, consumers, employees, stock-holders, government, community, distributions, supplies and others. A favourable corporate image create confidence in an organisations or institution.
There has been occupational troubles in tertiary institutions as become the order of the day. But ESUT as always remained in sector despite the occasional occurrence of these ugly incidents. The questions that called for answer are:-
Why has this problem of internal wrangle in our tertiary institutions?
Why has ESUT not witness the major break down of law and order despite the increase in school fees?
Why has ESUT been able to maintained peace despites the facts that there are some polities that do not go down well with the staff, lecturers and the students of the institute?
To what extent has public relations contributed in maintenance of peace and harmony in the institutions these and many more are the central task of this research work.