A literature review of ethanol production from local materials especially from cassava is presented.
The study was carried out to investigate the production of a good quality ethanol from cassava using microorganisms. The micro- organisms used were malt and yeast (saccharomyces cerevisae). The other intermediate production was starch and sugar which ethanol was obtained in a satisfactory yield and purity (about 98%). It is therefore not 100% ethanol.


1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Historical development 3
1.2 Aim and objective 5
1.3 Statements of problems 5
1.4 Hypothesis 6
1.5 Justifications 6
1.6 Limitations 7
Literature Review 8
2.0 Method of ethanol production 8
2.1 Gelatimazation and saccharification 13
2.2 Enzymatic hydrolysis method 14
2.3 Acid hydrolysis method 16
2.4 Alcoholic fermentation 17
2.5 By product of alcoholic fermentation 18
2.6 Separation of by product 19
2.7 Biochemistry and mechanism of sugar fermentation 20
2.8 Rectification and production of absolute alcohol. 25
3.0 Materials and methods 27
3.1 Extraction of starch from cassava 29
3.2 Preparation of malt powder 30
3.3 Mashing 31
3.4 Test for reducing sugar 33
3.5 Quantitative test for sugar using benedict solution 33
3.6 Preparation of yeast inoculums 34
3.7 Preparation of fermentation medium 35
3.8 Distillation of ethanol from fermented worth. 36
Result and Discussion 38
Conclusion and recommendation 45
References 47

Ethanol is produced commercially by chemical synthesis and fermentation. Practically all industrials ethanol is manufactured synthetically from petroleum and natural gas while all beverage alcohol is produced by fermentation of cereal grains molasses, potatoes and other materials with high starch and sugar contents.
Potentials sources of production of alcohol in Nigeria include millet, yam, sorghum, corn, cocoyam and cassava. Cassava tuber (manihot esculenta) is the most potential candidate by virtue of the fact that this crop can be grown with low level of management and also varieties for industrials production and presence of high yielding cultivars.
Cassava (manihot esculenta) also called manioc of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceous) is native from South Africa but is now cultivated in most tropical and subtropical regions. It is a shrubby prennial about 9ft high and has terminal starchy tuberous root. The root contain prussic acid and some are quite poisonous but heat expels the volatile acid and render the materials harmless.
The hydrolysis of cassava and utilization of an efficient low cost saccharifying agent are factors of paramount importance in the production of food or alcohol from cassava starch since this polysaccharide must be broken down into fermentation sugar which can be utilized by the micro- organisms.
The amylolytic enzymes used in the biological saccharification can be obtained from several sources. These include COM, and barley malt and the surface and submerged fungal and bacteria culture processes.
The breakdown of geletimized starch occur via the hydrolysis of the – 1.4 linkages which from the glucose molecules and also via the hydrolysis of – 1,6 amylopectin component of starch. Malt contain the three most important enzymes for the starch breakdown – amylase. B – amylase and amyloglicosidase.
Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is produced by the anaerobic fermentation of the saccharified starch (reducing sugar) by yeast via the embden – meyerhoff – parnas (EMP) pathway of anaerobic fermentation. Saccharomyces cerevisae was chosen for such characteristics as their ability to ferment rapidly and to tolerate higher ethanol concentration and to flocculate easily.
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH +2CO2
(aq) (aq) (g)
Ethyl alcohol is colorless, volatile liguid, which is flammable and toxic and has a punger taste. It boils 78.4oc and melts at –112. 3oc, has a specific gravity of 0.7851 at 20oc and insoluble in water and most organic liquid. The general formula of ethanol is CNH2NHOH.

The name “alcohol” is a generic name derived from two Arabic words, al and koli which were used to described a finely ground powder used by oriental women to darken their eye brow. The name was generally restricted to alcohol spirits of wine rectified to the highest “degree”.
Ethyl alcohol is of course extremely well known as a constituent of alcohols beverage distilled; beer, wine. The world alcohol unqualified is often used to refer to ethyl alcohol.
As a beverage, it has been produced and utilized unknowingly as far back as 4000 year ago by the pharoalis in Egypt.
An indication of the antiquity of the knowledge of the effect of ethyl alcohol has been traced to Noah, who built for himself a vineyard and grew which he fermented into a sort of alcohols beverage on which he become drunk with unfortunate result to his respectability. Other (1967).
Williams and Lansford described alcoholic fermentation as the process by which certain micro- organism, particularly strains of yeast convert sugar to a mixture of ethanol (ethyl alcohols) and carbon dioxide.
The term fermentation (Latin fermentation to boil) was used to describe the appearance of boiling due to evolution of gas caused by microbiological reactions. The micro-organism were originally named organized ferments to distinguish them from unorganized ferments that had been extracted from plants and animals.
The term enzyme (Greek en, in, zypee. Yeast) came into general use after sometime and soon displaced the term ferment. Fermentation has come to mean enzymatic action other than those involving oxygen. The alcoholic fermentation of sugars was almost certainly discovered by accident, probably as a result of some cereal infusion becoming infested with yeasts and other micro – organisms. The discover is thought to have taken place well over ten thousand year ago among the ancient civilization inhabiting in nice valley.
The most ambitions step so far taken is in Brazil, which is the highest probably and most

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