The aim of this research work is to find out the effects of Billboard Advertising on product promotion in Enugu Metropolis. To do this, we used survey research method to elicit the desired information from the sample produce. In this work we started the research problem, set the objective and significance of the study, communicated the research questionnaire, reviewed some relevant literature, defined some terms, and hypothesis in the work, the whole of the give-tested hypotheses was empirically supported.
From on finding, we concluded that:
- Billboard create awareness of product existence, more especially on newly introduced goods, and increase the sales.
- Billboard advertising is more likely to convey the advertising messages to the target audience than other forms of advertising.
- Billboard advertising, appeal more to advertisement than other forms of advertising, and position goods and services quicker in people’s mind than any other media.
- Billboard generally influences consumers decision.
- Billboard advertising do complement other means of advertising, thereby carrying the same message on product and services with radio, TV and other media.
After analysis our findings and drawing our conclusion, we made some recommendations.
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of research problem 7
1.3 Objective of the study 8
1.4 Research questions 8
1.5 Significance of the study 9
1.6 Hypothesis 9
1.7 Definition of terms 11
1.8 Assumptions 12
1.9 Limitation of the study 12
Literature review 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Source of literature 15
2.3 Contemporary mass media theories related to
effects of billboard advertising 16
2.4 Historical development of advertising 18
2.5 Billboard messages 23
2.6 Society’s uses and attitude to advertising 27
2.7 The advertising media 28
2.8 Media selection 29
2.9 Summary 31
2.10 Reference 33
Research methodology 34
3.1 Population of study 35
3.2 Sampling procedure 35
3.3 Sample size 36
3.4 Measuring instrument 36
3.5 Data collection 36
3.6 Data analysis 37
3.7 Expected results 37
Data analysis and results 39
4.1 Introduction of data analysis 39
4.2 Analysis of hypothesis 41
4.3 Discussion 48
Summary of finding recommendation and conclusion
5.1 Summary and Recommendation 50
5.2 Recommendation 52
Bibliography 54
Appendix 58
Advertising has grown increasingly popular as an object of academic inquiry, a field of professional practice and an index of modern business it has come to assume the centre of modern marketing and it is one of the major forms of promotion in product and service marketing. Billboard advertising has assumed a wider and prominent position in product promotion in recent times in Nigeria. Despite electronic media, billboard advertising got product promotion on the increase.
This new discovery in product promotion has not only given liwse to advertising agencies, that specialized only in billboard advertising, and also a strong association of billboard advertising in Nigeria which is recognized by advertisers as a subsidiary of the advertising practitioner. Council of Nigeria APCON. But as bas been articulated by Adeyein (1969), the constitutional provision on freedom of expression can be said to amount only to an ordered freedom of which can not be used as a license to spread communication that debased public morality. However, many of these ethical principles have in the course of time grown to become statutory regulation condified laws. Decree 55 of 1988 among other provision provides that APCON show regular and control the practice of advertising in all its aspects and ramifications. It is in excise of this immense and wide power conferred on it, that APCON developed a code of ethic to guide and regulates the practice of advertising in Nigeria.
The evidence increase in billboard advertising under sources the effectiveness of billboard in project promotion. Billboard ensure frequent and repeated exposure to the advertisement billboard are usually rotated at points with higher vehicular and human traffic.
Consequently, users of such points are regularly exposed to the advertisement in the board. Secondly, billboard, also offer a high degree of vocational flexibility. In other words, the boards can be placed where the advertisers actually intended then to be. In addition, they tend it have lower cost per thousand than most of the other media. They are usually more cost efficient, especially for the advertisers with a small budget. Billboard offers the advantages of very good colour reproduction and at the sometime it is an effective reminder medium offer servicing as a catalyst for buyers who buy in impulse. The greatest problems encountered by advertisers and their agencies with regard to billboard is site monitoring is usually defiant and so when posters get torn or washed out, of takes a while to discover and repost. This is because the site are usually scattered around very far geographic locations.
The posters used on the boards are usually tedious to print and post especially when the number of sites to be covered are too many. In other words, boards make intense creative demands on the agency. Because they are usually seen in a fleeting second, they have to be powerfully executed so as to intrude on the passers – by’s consciousness. In this case they tend to function better as reminder media and there cannot serve well as the print ary and sole medium for an advertising campaign. Aside its cost efficient contributes to environmental aesthetic and enduing feature of lands cape of towns, in the country. Although the voice of the street vendor in Nigeria grows fainter with each passing year, it is still possible to her the mournful call and thinking bell for the old clothes and junk man, the call of the intinerant fruit peddler with his pushcart, or the street come vendors of hot chestnuts. And what will a football game be without the kids hwking peanut and soft drinks? Much the same calls in a different language, echoed in the streets.
Again if you will glance town the length of the street in Enugu metropolis, you will notice that the storekeeper around the town have taken some pains to make sure they are not unobserved just as the market keeper did in Ogbete main market so you can see that broadcast advertising (billboard) have all been around for a long time. But is wasn’t until the middle ages, with the world shaking advert of the printing press and moveable type, that advertising began to take the firm most familiar to as today.
Winstan fletche (1979), identifies the following determinant of the strength of a billboard advertising, such as, the number of posters put in any given area the size of the poster, the specific sitting of the poster and the length of the campaign. Because of the problem of the more boards in a given area, he greater the problem of dotter, many authorities regulate the sitting of boards as to prevent their indiscriminate location poster come in standard sizes referred to as sheets, the dimensions of a single sheet are usually expressed in inches for easy handling and processing. A single limit of sheet is usually 20 inches wide by 30 inches deep. The most commonly available poster format are 16 – sheets, 32 sheets and 48 sheets.
In addition, there is the painted board or bulletin boards, which are hand painted (in stead of printed posters) and typical sizes are 14 feet by 48 feet posters sited at busy locations or junctions with high human and vehicular traffics are often more effective than those at less endorsed locations. Furthermore, the longer the duration of a campaign the more impact it tend to have.
Outdoor advertising has become a major advertising firms in Enugu metropolis and an indispensable source of revenue for Enugu state government while advertisers buys space in newspaper and magazines, for outdoor he went sites. In Enugu metropolis, renting a site centres on an advertiser the right of having his poster displayed on the site. To do this, advertise or his agency will retain an outdoor advertising company. The advertising companies will have to usually built and acquire a particular site it wants or chooses from the one’s the billboard company supplies. It pays the outdoor agency for the production of the poster as well as rental fee for the sites. Its media and client service monitor the posting, to ensure that all the sites are constantly and clearly posted throughout the duration of the campaign.
For all the media enumerated, management of the advertising operation is very delicate task, since in most cases, advertising represents a significance source of corporate profitability. For billboard companies particularly, the key task will entail keeping a Table of content on advertising agencies and salutation so that they can use the billboard firm for their campaign. Other task include monitoring of sites to ensure that poster are in good order and property posted, invoicing agencies for sites created and posted, ensuring prompt payments, and prompt payment of rental charges to the state government via local authority in executive this research, the research will try to identify why billboard advertising seems to be more popular than other means of advertising in terms of product promotion in Enugu metropolis. Also this study will try to find out the acceptability of billboard advertising in the society. Among other things, this study also hopes to establish the contribution of billboards to product promotion and consumption.
There as been an appreciable growth in product and services promotion activities by marketers in Nigeria, especially through advertising. Recently, below, the line advertising especially billboard has gained tremendous popularity. Going hand the major loads and street in Enugu metropolis particularly strategic location will reveal the degree of usage and number of colourful billboard of various sizes carrying advertisement promotion products of various manufactures.
They are located in strategic traffic points. Also rural areas are not spread of this billboard gavone why his sudden increase in the use of billboard? Could it be that billboard has acquired new potency for product promotion? This and many were ignited the researcher, to look into the effect of billboard in product promotion with specially emphasis on Enugu metropolis as a case study.
This study has among other objective the followings:
- To find out it billboard advertising is increasing in Enugu metropolis.
- To determine the effectiveness of billboard advertising in product promotion.
- To determine why it appeals to prospect product consumers.
- To find out whether it carried or reinforces the same message a other medium in the same product.
- To find out the contribution to environmental beauty or otherwise.
For this study, the following questions are raised.
- Is billboard advertising on the increase in Enugu metropolis.
- Do Nigerian advertisers patronize billboard advertising?
- Do billboard advertising influence consumers in Enugu metropolis
- Does billboard advertisement message reinforce electronic and print media message?
- Does billboard advertising contribute to environmental beauty?
This study brings to our knowledge the degree of influence other product promotion activities and advertising exerts on billboard advertising.
The study will also serve as a guide to manufactures and advertisers in their day to day management of product promotion via the billboard advertising on the other hand, this study will serve as literature /good feasibity study for prospective investors in billboard advertising sub-sectors.
Note: our case study can be changed to suit your desire location . we are here for your success.