The importance of project works for students cannot be over-stressed. Why Is Project-Based Learning Important to individual and organization for growth. A student and organization ought to take project writing seriously for the following reasons:
- Project work enables the students to develop an inquisitive mind, always wanting to find out why things happens the way they happen.
- The usefulness of project work is that it enables the student to be methodical in his approach to solving the research problem.
- Project work makes student to cease to depend on the rule-of-the-thumb but to be scientifically minded.
- Project work enables the student to be more organised with his work and do things in an orderly manner.
- Acquiring appropriate project writing skill gives the student a sense of independence and self-confidence which propel him to always insist on producing original research report.
- Mastery of the techniques of project writing enables the student to develop a sense of proportionality.
- Project writing develops the student the habit of tenaciously pursuing his goals to a conclusive end, which is the achievement of result.
Project work offers a bridge to independent learning for students and organizational growth.
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